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This is the Post image - 8th June 2020

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This is the Post image - 8th June 2020 This is the  Post image - 8th June 2020 Reviewed by laluna sangre on 01:00 Rating: 5

This is the Post image - 7th June 2020

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This is the Post image - 7th June 2020 This is the  Post image - 7th June 2020 Reviewed by laluna sangre on 01:00 Rating: 5

Benefits of Pineapple Juice for Dieting


Benefits of Pineapple Juice for Dieting

Dieting and pineapple Getting an ideal weight requires a certain period of time and a special diet. Calorie loss is gradually better than fast dieting because dieting will be a new diet for a person. It has elements and minerals, including pineapple, which is a recommended diet for weight loss. In this article we will present the benefits of pineapple juice for penance, and its benefits in general. Benefits of Pineapple for Snacking Pineapple is considered to be one of the most suitable fruits for dieting because it contains a few calories, and enzymes such as bromelain, which helps in detoxifying cellulite. It also contains a natural anti-inflammatory agent. It also contains water that detoxifies the body through urine. Many experiments and studies conducted by nutritionists have shown that eating a pineapple after half an hour of meals gives a sense of satiety for a short period of time. This is due to pectin and vitamin C in the pineapple, and the fiber that protects the digestive system from constipation. Nutrition experts do not eat canned pineapple as a kind of juices and drinks, because the nutrients in it are not like in the fresh, not to eat it in the cake and cakes because it increases the weight does not lack. Pineapple Benefits In general, there are many benefits that pineapple gives to the body, including: moisturizing the skin and increasing its freshness, because it contains various vitamins. Increase fertility in women when eating continuously. Treatment of ulcers and wounds by placing pineapple crushed on the affected area. Preventing accumulation of fat, producing hormones that help to dissolve blood vessel clots, and reduce heart attacks. The treatment of arthritis is constantly treated as a drug effect. Treatment of respiratory problems, and alleviation of colds. Prevention of cancers of various kinds, by reducing the proportion of harmful cholesterol, and prevent oxidation on the wall of blood vessels. Regulation of high pressure rates is recommended for patients with stress. Pineapple juice for dessert Ingredients: A cup of fresh, sugar-free pineapple juice. Two pieces of fresh kiwi and cut. Half a grain of fresh pineapple. Preparation: Put all the ingredients in the mixer. Mix slowly until we get a fresh and smooth juice. Then drink it after half an hour of the meal, and repeat it continuously to get the desired result.

Benefits of Pineapple Juice for Dieting Benefits of Pineapple Juice for Dieting Reviewed by health on 09:28 Rating: 5

Benefits of drinking Onion Juice


Benefits of drinking Onion Juice

Overview and Uses of Onion Juice

Onion Juice Onion juice is a light-colored juice that is transparent to the eye. It is extracted from the onion plant with strong aroma and great benefits, which is a key component in our kitchens for all foods and uses. It is rich in minerals and vitamins, Chromium, vitamin C, B, and A, onion juice is used to take advantage of it in the treatment of many problems. How to make onion juice Ingredients: onion peeled and cut. Two tablespoons of natural honey. Preparation: Place onions and honey in the blender and mix well. Pour the mixture into a strainer and place a cup under it. Press the onion in the filter with a spoon until we take all the juice.

The juice of onion is taken at the appropriate times and for the purposes to be eaten for it and prefer to drink more than once a day for greater benefit. Benefits of onion juice addresses blood pressure problems, and reduces blood sugar, which helps diabetics improve their health. It protects against arteriosclerosis and veins, keeps the heart healthy and activates circulation. It expels phlegm and treats asthma and respiratory distress. Strengthens the body's immunity and treats many chronic diseases. Kills germs and microbes in the mouth and stomach, expels worms and sterilizes the body. Treats the problem of white water that affects the eye.

 It treats acne and cleanses the skin due to its high sterilization capacity. Enhances sexual ability in men, as it contains vitamin C that activates sex hormones in men. Strengthens the nerves; it contains sulfur metal. It treats many chronic diseases such as diarrhea and syphilis. It treats bloating, expels gases, regulates bowel movements, and urinates urine. It treats the roughness of the chest, relieves coughing and treats lethargy, flu, bronchitis, and oral and throat infections.

Reduces the risk of cancer. In addition to the great benefits offered by onion juice to the body through drinking, there is a huge benefit of onion juice to the hair by washing or massage it, preferably in this case add aromatic oils to onion juice to enhance its usefulness and remove its fragrance and prefer to choose oils useful for hair, It is recommended to add a drop of rose water to improve the smell of the mixture and the most important benefits of onions for hair: Treatment scalp crust. Protects hair dramatically from falling. Treatment of alopecia. Works to intensify hair and improve its health. How to use onion juice for hair The hair is mixed with a focus on the roots. Covering and living a whole night. The hair is washed with water well. Repeat the procedure daily until satisfactory results are obtained. Share article

More uses of Onion Juice

  • Anti cancer 
  • Anti Diabetes
  • Increase Immunity
  • Best For Eyesight
  • Anti fungus
  • Help bald peoples to grow their hair naturally
  • best for ear pain
  • best for sleeping disorder

Benefits of drinking Onion Juice Benefits of drinking Onion Juice Reviewed by health on 09:13 Rating: 5

Benefits of Eating Frankincense


Benefits of Eating Frankincense


The gum is extracted from the frankincense tree or the so-called canad tree. The gum forms in different shapes and leaves until it dries to form wonderful crystals that are soaked for a natural drink with great health benefits. The frankincense is one of the oldest natural materials used since ancient times. It was used in the ancient Yemeni civilization as a saffron with aromatic aroma, and in Pharaonic civilization as chewing gum to protect it from periodontal disease, tooth decay and respiratory treatment of diseases. Somalia, Yemen is one of the most cultivated countries of frankincense, producing male milk, and is available in the areas of perfume, but expensive compared to other grass and natural varieties.

Benefits of drinking frankincense 

  • Protect the digestive system from chronic diseases, such as acute constipation, acute diarrhea, and chasing the annoying gases from the abdomen, and also protects against stomach cancer and colon.
  •  Protects the kidneys from gravel and saline deposits. It is a strong diuretic and a catalyst for all toxins and deposits in the body.
  •  Protecting the body from cancers of all kinds; it contains antioxidants that can protect cells and tissues from both benign and malignant tumors. Calming the nerves and making the body more comfortable and relaxed, and the treatment of insomnia, so prefer to drink a cup of it before sleeping on a daily basis.
  •  Respiratory protection from viral and bacterial diseases leading to flu, flu and cough, as well as a strong solvent for phlegm present in the trachea. 
  • Protecting the uterus from diseases and making it powerful; it protects it from cancer and clotting, which may cause many problems of reproduction in women, because of its ability to regulate the hormone estrogen. 
  • Regulate the level of sugar in the blood and make it within the normal range, so advised diabetics drink a cup of it every day.
  •  Strengthen the immunity of the body, and make it able to fight microbes and bacteria better, because of the ability of drink frankincense to increase the body's natural antibiotics. 
  • A natural analgesic for painful and harmful inflammation within the body; it is because it contains a naturally occurring substance similar to cortisone, an alternative to synthetic cortisone.
  •  Loss of excess weight, and obtaining a perfect symmetrical weight; it burns fat accumulated inside the body dramatically, and comes out in the form of sweat or with the stool. 
  • Protecting the heart from diseases and clots resulting from blockages in the blood vessels; The frankincense drink increases the blood flow in those vessels, which prevents clogging. How to prepare a frankincense drink Melt the frankincense and take a tablespoon of it. Add the spoon of frankincense to a glass of cold water and leave for 12 hours. The male frankincense is filtered from the cup, and the drink is soaked.

Benefits of Eating Frankincense Benefits of Eating  Frankincense Reviewed by health on 10:08 Rating: 5

Health and Fitness Benefits of pineapple Juice


Health and Fitness Benefits of pineapple Juice

Overview, Uses and Top Benefits

Pineapple The pineapple, or scientifically called Ananas comosus, is one of the plants or tropical fruits. It falls under the list of the bromilian seasonal plants. Its cultivation is widespread in the tropics. It takes a distinctive pyramid shape with a light golden or yellow color, fragrant aroma and tasty taste. The first to discover this type of fruit is the Americans, and the world used it very widely in the field of natural juices and in the manufacture of sweets, and can be drying pineapple and put in a container to ensure that it is consumed throughout the months of the year, thanks to the wonderful taste and benefits Big dating back to health, which is an effective treatment for many health problems, and an effective solution to many of the aesthetic problem, especially the problem of obesity or a significant increase in weight which negatively affect the aesthetic appearance of the body.

Pineapple Benefits Pineapple Pineapple contains a very high concentration of bromelain, which is one of the most important enzymes with the ability to remove cellulite and burn fat and fat accumulated in different parts of the body, thanks to its unique formula, which is very rich in water, 70% of the water, which helps rid the body of all the toxins and waste accumulated in it, and prevents the retention within it, causing major problems, especially the problem of growth or emergence of the rumen. Contains a very high percentage of fiber, which helps to burn fat in the body, and also increase the sense of satiety, which reduces the need to eat different foods, which reflected very positively on the elimination of the problem of obesity, especially if taken after meals directly, The fiber improves the digestive system and increases the softness and elasticity of the urine, thus eliminating the body's waste and preventing the problem of constipation, because it also contains a high proportion of vitamin C and the compound of pectin, which regulates digestion. The recipe for pineapple juice is for slimming.

For kiwi and pineapple recipes, one of the best natural recipes is two kebabs, with two or more pineapples, with a choice of natural pineapple, not canned, and mixing ingredients In the mixture to become a cohesive mixture, one cup of this recipe should be taken daily instead of dinner for a full month, as this can reduce the weight of 12 kg per month, and can be a quarter of the fruit of pineapple with one fruit of Kiwi P careful to add two tablespoons of rose water with one cup of water, and mixing these compounds well until mixture becomes one of them a cup and eat on a daily basis, taking care taken before meals to get the best results.

The benefits of pineapple are not limited to thinning, but are also one of the most powerful natural elements of urine, and eliminates the kidney stones, and is very useful for moisturizing the body and skin and skin because it contains a very high percentage of water, and protects against the sun strikes, and fills the feeling of thirst, With a high proportion of natural sugars, and contains a high proportion of enzymes that prevent the growth of tumors, and is one of the strongest natural antibodies to inflammation. Video How to work Smoha Strawberry and Pineapple to learn more about how to work the way to work Strawberry and Pineapple Watch video.

Health and Fitness Benefits of pineapple Juice Health and Fitness Benefits of pineapple Juice Reviewed by health on 09:43 Rating: 5

Health Benefits of Drinking Fruit Juices


Health Benefits of Drinking Fruit Juices

People vary in their mixture of drinking different juices in the month of fasting. Variety in fruit juices gives them the option to choose the most appropriate and their favorite, especially that there are plenty of fruit, from which we can get a variety of juices and delicious, Different fruits.

Top Benefits Of Fruit  Juices

1. Pineapple juice

 Benefits of some fruit juices Pineapple juice helps pineapple juice to digest and very useful for the stomach, as it is a diuretic, and repellent for toxins in the body, and recommended by people with anemia and indigestion, and also has the ability to dissolve grease so it is useful for people with obesity. The benefits of pineapple health is amazing  and the harm of eating apricot juice is recommended for apricot juice for people suffering from osteoporosis, as well as mental impairment, and people with anemia, and is very useful for children, in addition to its benefits in the fight against diarrhea.

2. Lemon juice

Lemon juice Lemon juice is very useful for growing children, to combat colds, and flu in winter. The juice of mulberry juice strengthens the functions of the liver, regulates the nervous system, as recommended by people with gout (joint pain) and rheumatism to relieve the pain.

3. Grape juice

A repellent for toxins and is recommended by patients with kidneys, intestines, heart diseases, high blood pressure, it also eliminates liver infections, relieves gastrointestinal infections, and has a good effect in blood circulation. Types of diets.

4. Strawberry juice

Strawberry juice is a moisturizer and laxative, if taken with water, and taken alone if taken, and described as taking gargle against sore throat and throat.

5.  Peach juice

 Peach juice is very rich in vitamin C, and is useful for teenagers, and is recommended for those who engage in exhausting sports.

6. Orange juice

Orange juice is recommended for children and adolescents in the process of growth, as advised in the recovery period, after fever or flu.

7. Cherry juice

 Cherry is rich in mineral elements and strengthens the joints of the body, and drinking for more than two days, facilitates the process of expelling toxins and waste from the body.

8. Apple Juice

Apple juice is a source of energy, diuretic and laxative against constriction of the stomach, for its richness in fiber, and it is a granular juice that treats many diseases. In another article we discussed some types of fruits and the benefit of each individual you can read, if tell us dear readers what fruit juices that you like to take in the days of Ramadan fasting? You can also consult one of our doctors here if you have any health problems during Ramadan.
Health Benefits of Drinking Fruit Juices Health Benefits of Drinking Fruit Juices Reviewed by health on 08:34 Rating: 5
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